The Mid Market Community Benefit District (MMCBD) provides core neighborhood services with its Community Ambassadors and Clean Teams; it promotes local businesses, encourages economic development, implements public improvements, and coordinates numerous significant events. MMCBD also advocates on behalf of its constituents, focusing on a host public policy, planning, and quality-of-life issues.
The MMCBD Corporation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization led by a staff, the current Executive Director is Tracy Everwine, and a Board of Directors. All members of the Board of Directors are property owners or other neighborhood stakeholders from the District. The non-profit administers funds and manages all services and programs on behalf of all property owners within the District.
When a Community Benefit District (CBD) is formed, the City of San Francisco guarantees in its CBD contract that the City will maintain its baseline level of cleaning, maintenance, and public safety services within the District. CBD services do not reduce or replace City services within a Community Benefit District.

However you measure it, Mid Market is a better place to be, thanks to the MMCBD.

MMCBD is managed by the Central Market Community Benefit Corporation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit association led by a staff and Board of Directors.
MMCBD’s Board of Directors is made up of 11 stakeholders elected to two-year terms. The Board includes six property owners, two community-based organizations representing the interests of residents in the District, and three non-property-owning merchants from the District.
Board of Directors
Chris Callandrillo
Episcopal Community Services of SF
Philip Gerrie
SF Friends Meeting House
David Harrison
Patson Company
Miia Kautovaara
Ingka Centres
Jeannie Kim
SAM’S & Fermentation Lab
Dipak Patel
Property Owner
Jim Sangiacomo
Trinity Properties/Trinity Management
John Trudeau
Bill Whitfield
Shorenstein Realty
Jane Weil
MMCBD Board of Directors meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of every month, 3 to 4 p.m. at 1155 Market Street.
Funding for MMCBD
Each District property owner pays a share of the cost of the Community Benefit District. Assessments are based on a formula that proportionately distributes costs to fit the specific properties located within the District.
MMCBD Documents
Meeting Agendas
Annual Reports
To dispatch safety, cleaning, maintenance or safety services 7 days a week, 7am to 7pm:
Call 415.543.5223 or email dispatch@midmarketcbd.org
For information on MMCBD programs:
Office (415) 957-5985
Email info@midmarketcbd.org
Our Mission
The Mid Market Community Benefit District (MMCBD) is a non-profit, community-based organization that provides programs and services to improve the quality of life experienced in the public realm in San Francisco’s Mid Market neighborhood. The MMCBD works every day to create a cleaner, safer, and more inviting place to be for residents, workers, merchants and visitors.